Monday, January 3, 2011

The power of Tweets, exemplified

For all those who question the power of Twitter, a perfect example of how a douche can get a stupid lie spread, fast.

Just before the holidays @originalcjizzle put up a fake retweet supposedly from CNN to say that Morgan Freeman had just died. He hadn't, but for some unbeknown reason this guy wanted to get this out there. Maybe he wanted to see how much influence he could garner or maybe he just really hated that penguin movie.

He only had 1,500 followers but the lie spread like wildfire and before he knew it he had to apologize with his douchebag tail between his legs as CNN itself commented on the lie. He ended his short time in the limelight by tweeting: "Tonight I truly understand the difference between fame & infamy."

What can we learn from this? Well, @originalcjizzle is an ass for one. But we can also see the raw power of Twitter and what it can do for the right message. This lie was believable and most people were interested enough to spread the word - if you can get a truthful message out there that presses people's interest buttons then it can spread very fast with very little effort.

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