Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mercedes gets it wrong after not getting it at all

Dear Mercedes Benz,

Where do I start?

First, you launch a campaign that completely misunderstands how social media works and why people love it and then you make a HUGE very basic PR error in your attempts to push this ham-fisted campaign.

You sent out an announcement detailing grand prizes for your competition, one of which wasn't a real prize?? Two things happened - you either had the Masters Golf tickets and it fell through on their end, which is unlikely. The other, more realistic option is that someone screwed up and said 'Masters Golf' instead of saying 'US Tennis Championships'. D'oh.

You could blame the young underling at the bottom of the process, fire them, their superior and then carry on. OR you could re-evaluate how you promote your brand - this, for me, is a crappy mistake on an already crappy idea. You don't listen, you don't get it and you have processes that allow basic PR blunders.

I would guess you have a lot of very well-paid PR and marketing people working for you, all of whom think this is a great campaign. I would probably look again at who you have and what they do.



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